On August 18, the NRP Policy Board committed $1 million of NRP funds to the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) for the purpose of paying for community-oriented public safety initiatives in 2003 and 2004.
The proposal had been put on hold in June when the NRP Policy Board determined that the proposal should be modified to reflect the comments and concerns of Minneapolis neighborhood organizations.
Twenty neighborhood organizations offered opinions on the Community Policing Initiative. While most of these organizations confirmed their support for strong community policing and public safety measures, several wanted to wait until it was clear that the transfer of funds was legal and that there would indeed be funding for Phase II of the NRP.
As a result of the concerns expressed by neighborhood organizations and a clarifying opinion issued by the NRP's legal counsel, individual NRP Neighborhood Action Plans must be the driving force behind all funds transferred to the MPD through the NRP Community Policing Initiative.
The $1 million transfer is a one-time commitment that will be used by the MPD in 2003 and 2004. In accordance with the resolution, community policing funds can be used for such things as: CCP/SAFE staffing, bike patrols, foot patrols and community-based and directed police presence across the city.
More details about how these funds can be accessed will be available shortly.
Download the NRP Policy Board Community Policing Resolution (84K)
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