City Seeks Neighborhood Involvement in Minneapolis Sesquicentennial

April 14, 2008 - In 1858 the people of Minneapolis voted to become a town, and held the first Town Council meeting on July 20, 1858. To mark this point in our history the City of Minneapolis will officially celebrate its 150th year, in partnership with the 2008 Minneapolis Aquatennial, July 18 - 27. How can you be involved?


Although the date of the sesquicentennial is in July, events will happen throughout the year. Please consider including a sesquicentennial element in your neighborhood events. Send an e-mail to 150@ci.minneapolis.mn.us with details about any events that you will be holding and we'll list it on the Minneapolis 150 web site. We'll send you the Minneapolis 150 logo so you can identify the event as part of the Minneapolis sesquicentennial!


Many organizations are partnering with us to recognize the history of Minneapolis. For example, the Hennepin History Museum will present the You Are Here exhibit in public spaces throughout Minneapolis. The exhibit will pair a historic photograph with brief text about where the viewer is standing and how the site has changed over time. You can nominate a site in your neighborhood for this exhibit (attached nomination form).


There are some great opportunities for neighborhood participation in the Minneapolis Aquatennial. For example, consider organizing a team to compete in the sandcastle competition or the milk carton boat race. Both of these fun events are on July 20th. Details will be at www.aquatennial.com.

There is also the possibility of having a "neighborhood unit" in the torchlight parade on July 23rd. If you have an interest in participating, contact Barb Lickness at 612-673-5216 or blickness@nrp.org.

For more information about the Minneapolis sesquicentennial or to sign up for e-mail updates, visit www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/150.

Letter from Bob Miller and Steven Bosaker

Hennepin History Museum - You Are Here Exhibit Description

ennepin History Museum - You Are Here Nomination Form



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