Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Loring Park
Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.1.1 Loring Park Consultants $45,000.00 _____$45,000.00      
1.1.2 Loring Park Hydrological Study $20,000.00 _____$20,000.00      
1.2.1 Loring Park Master Plan _ $234,500.00 $700,000.00 $182,000.00 $18,500.00 _$1,135,000.00      
2.1.1 Nicollet Corridor Study $23,286.29 _____$23,286.29     24
2.1.2 Nicollet Commercial Corridor Improvement _ $70,200.00 $104,800.00 ___$175,000.00      
2.2.1 Neighborhood Lighting _ $83,300.00 $19,700.00 ___$103,000.00     3,8,10
2.2.3 Boulevard Reforestation _ _$8,000.00 ___$8,000.00     3,12
2.3.1 Banners and Planters _ _____      3
2.3.2 Community Murals _ _$500.00 ___$500.00     24,25
2.5.1 Bicycling Task Force $35,000.00 _____$35,000.00      
2.6.1 Bicycle Education Programs $2,000.00 _____$2,000.00      
2.6.2 Bike Routes _ $70,680.61 $115,000.00 ___$185,680.61     1,4,23,24
2.7.1 Rehab Daniel Lyon Home _ $130,000.00 ____$130,000.00 $130,000.00    
2.7.2 Land Use Committee _ ____$35,000.00     $35,000.00 13,15,16,19,25
2.8. Community Opportunity Pool _ $83,794.21 $5,704.79 ___$89,499.00     4,5,7,20,25
3.1.1 COPP Shop _ $3,779.05 ____$3,779.05     25
3.1.2 Police Buy-Back Time _ $16,171.99 ____$16,171.99     23
4.1.1 Rent-to-Own Program _ _____      3
4.2.1 Leveraged Improvement Program _ $591,204.79 ____$591,204.79 $591,204.79   2,5
4.2.2 6-10 Loan Program _ _____      2
5.2 Arts and Community Building Fund _ _____      4,5,6,20
6.1.1 Commercial Loan Program _ $216,000.00 ____$216,000.00   $0.07 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24
6.1.2 Loring Park Development Grant _ _____      1,3,4,25
6.1.3 Micro Business Loan Program _ _____      4
6.3.1 Arts Coordinator _ $24,925.72 ____$24,925.72     11,25
6.3.2 Promotion Fund _ _____      4,25
6.4 Economic Development Fund _ $22,098.80 ____$22,098.80     4,9,11
7.1.1 Office and Staff Support for NRP $42,000.00 $236,815.65 $308,695.21 $36,500.00 $18,000.00 $146,336.63 $642,010.86 $166,922.82 $146,336.63 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,25
PHASE 1r TOTAL$3,514.88 $12,828.01 $5,500.00   $7,500.00   $29,342.89   $29,076.97  
TOTAL$170,801.17 $1,796,298.83 $1,267,900.00 $218,500.00 $44,000.00 $3,497,500.00 $888,127.61 $210,413.67  
% FOR HOUSING26%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan12/11/95The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan reallocating (1) $10,000 from "Bicycle Routes" (4.6.2) to the Implementation Fund (9.1) to conduct a feasibility study of the fundraising goals identified in the Action Plan; and (2) $15,000 from "Loring Park Development Grant" (8.1.2) to the Implementation Fund (9.1) for the development of an Intervention Strategy for Nicollet Avenue.
2Full Action Plan02/18/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $300,000 in 1994-95 from 6-10 Loan Program (Housing 6.2.2.) to Leveraged Investment Prog. (Housing 6.2.1.).
3Full Action Plan12/29/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $300,000 in 1994-95 from 6-10 Loan Program (Housing 6.2.2.) to Leveraged Investment Prog. (Housing 6.2.1.). (1) $12,500 in 1994/95 from Rent To Own Program (Housing 6.1.1.); (2) $29,300 in 1994/95 from Loring Park Development Grant (Economic Development 8.1.2.); (3) $67,000 in 1996 from Loring Park Lighting (Physical Environment 4.2.1.); (4) $89,600 in 1996 from Loring Park Reforestation (Physical Environment 4.2.3.); and (5) $10,000 in 1996 from Banners and Planters (Physical Environment 4.3.1.). The modivication also allows for the balance ($6,250) of t he funds identified in Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.) for the Nicollet Avenue Intervention Strategy (see Plan Modification #1) to be used for general implementation costs.
4Full Action Plan05/17/99The NRP Director approved, based on Policy Board and City Council approvals, a modification to the plan to shift $215,000 from four existing strategies into three new strategies. The four strategies from which funds are reduced are: (1) $50,000 in 1996 from Bike Routes (Physical Environment 4.6.2.); (2) $52,700 in 1995 from Loring Park Development Grant (Economic Development 8.1.2.); (3) $50,000 in 1995 from Micro-Business Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.3.); and (4) $62,300 in 1995 from Promotion Fund (Economic Development 8.3.2.). The new strategies to be funded are: (1) $125,000 ($75,000 in 1995 and $50,000 in 1996) for a Community Opportunity Pool (Physical Environment 4.8.); (2) $20,000 in 1995 for an Arts and Community Building Fund (Social Services 7.2.); and (3) $70,000 in 1995 to an Economic Development Fund (Economic Development 8.4.).
5Full Action Plan06/15/01The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $24,345.21 from three strategies to two strategies in the plan. Funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $8,795.21 in 1995 from Leveraged Improvement Program (Housing 6.2.1.); (2) $4,000 in 1995 from Arts and Community Building Fund (Social Services 7.2.); and (3) $11,550 in 1996 from Community Opportunity Pool (Physical Environment 4.8.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $8,795.21 in 1995 to Community Opportunity Pool (Physical Environment 4.8.); and (2) $15,550 ($4,000 in 1995 and 11,550 in 1996) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
6Full Action Plan11/26/01The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $16,475 in the following manner: (1) $8,975 in 1995 is reallocated from Arts and Community Building Fund (Social Services 7.2.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.); and (2) $7,500 in 1998 is reallocated from Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.) to a new strategy, Phase II Plan Development (Phase II Plan Development 10.1.).
7Full Action Plan03/31/03The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 from Community Opportunity Pool (Physical Environment 4.8.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
8Full Action Plan07/24/03The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in 1996 from Loring Park Lighting (Physical Environment 4.2.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
9Full Action Plan02/25/04The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in 1994/95 from Economic Development Fund (Economic Development 8.4.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
10Full Action Plan07/08/04 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $22,500 in 1994/95 from Loring Park Lighting (Physical Environment 4.2.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
11Full Action Plan11/18/04 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $27,951.20 in 1994/95 to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $5,050 I 1994/95 from Arts Coordinator (Economic Development 8.3.1.); and (2) $22,901.20 in 1994/95 from Economic Development Fund (Economic Development 8.4.).
12Full Action Plan06/12/05 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in 1996 to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.) from Loring Park Reforestation (Physical Environment 4.2.3.).
13Full Action Plan08/22/05The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $20,000 in Program Income to Land Use Committee (Physical Environment 4.7.2.) from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Land Use Committee (Physical Environment 4.7.2.) to include the use of consultants for a variety of planning studies.
14Full Action Plan11/03/05 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.) from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.).
15Full Action Plan11/29/05The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in Program Income to Land Use Committee (Physical Environment 4.7.2.); (2) $5,000 in Program Income to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.); and (3) $10,000 in Program Income to Phase II Plan Development (Phase II Plan Development 10.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #15 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
16Full Action Plan06/22/06The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Land Use Committee (Physical Environment 4.7.2.); and (2) $20,000 in Program Income to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
17Full Action Plan07/27/06The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
18Full Action Plan04/10/07 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
19Full Action Plan01/08/08The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Land Use Committee (Physical Environment 4.7.2.); and (2) $20,000 in Program Income to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
20Full Action Plan08/20/08 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $14,770.21 ($7,025 in 1995 and $7,745.21 in 1996) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $7,745.21 in 1996 from Community Opportunity Pool (Physical Environment 4.8.); and (2) $7,025 in 1995 from Arts and Community Building Fund (Social Services 7.2.).
21Full Action Plan12/23/08 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $21,336.63 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
22Full Action Plan10/05/09The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $25,000 in 1995 from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.) to Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.).
23Full Action Plan01/05/10The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate $17,828.01 ($12,828.01 in 1995 and $5,000 in 1996) from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in 1996 from Bike Routes (Physical Environment 4.6.2.); (2) $3,828.01 in 1995 from Police Buy Back Time (Safety 5.1.2.); and (3) $9,000 in 1995 from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.). The funds are reallocated to Phase II strategy, CLPC Staff (Phase II Strategies, Human Resources 12.2.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #23 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)
24Full Action Plan10/22/14The NCR Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $20,610.27 from the following strategies: (1) $713.71 in 1994/95 from Nicollet Corridor Consultants (Physical Environment 4.1.1.); (2) $500 in 1994/95 from Community Murals (Physical Environment 4.3.2.); (3) $319.39 in 1994/95 from Bike Routes (Physical Environment 4.6.2.); (4) $19,076.97 in Program Income from 2% Commercial Loan Program (Economic Development 8.1.1.); and (5) $0.20 in 1994/95 from Office Staff Support for NRP (Implementation 9.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $5,610.27 ($1,033.30 in 1994/95; $500 in 1996; and $4,076.97 in Program Income) to Sustainable Practices (Phase II Strategies, Sustainability and the Environment 7.1.1.); and (2) $15,000 in Program Income to CLPC Staff (Phase II Strategies, Human Resources 12.2.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #24 and Phase II Plan Modification #10.)

Loring Park Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 03/25/2025 at 3:57 AM