Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Marcy Holmes
Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.A.3 Renters' Assistance Program _ _______      24,29
1.A.4 Student Liaison _ $16,400.00 ______$16,400.00     24,29
1.B.1 Marketing of Neighborhood _ $1,000.00 ___$2,000.00 __$3,000.00     25
1.B.4 Code Enforcement _ $29,915.00 ______$29,915.00     24,26,29
1.C.1.B Rental Rehab Loans _ $390,000.00 $60,000.00 $15,000.00 $95,000.00 $33,749.55 __$593,749.55 $593,749.55   1,3,24
1.C.2 Home Improvement Program $250,000.00 $392,000.00 $90,738.94 $80,000.00 $85,000.00 $150,000.00 __$1,047,738.94 $1,047,738.94 $57,688.07 18,19,24,35,36,37,38
1.D.1.C Block Nurse Program _ $22,952.23 $903.00 _$136.16 $10,908.61 __$34,900.00     10,24
1.E.1 Historic Rehab Financing _ $76,354.48 $146,144.06 ____$3,042.25 $222,498.54 $222,498.54 $3,042.25 3,18,24,29
1.G.1 Duplex Conversion _ $100,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $46,223.84 _$364.91 _$446,223.84 $446,223.84 $364.91 19,24
2.A.1 Reduce Crime _ $692.66 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 ____$5,692.66     13
2.A.2 Cops on Bikes _ $5,467.00 $6,560.00 $4,920.00 $3,280.00 $26,238.15 __$46,465.15     24,27,29,32,33
2.A.3.B Trim Trees on Private Property _ _$2,344.52 $4,500.00 $2,375.00 $2,375.00 __$11,594.52     24
2.A.3.C Motion Detector Lights _ ____$970.69 __$970.69     17,21,22,24
2.A.4 Code Blue Lights _ _______      12, 17
2.B.1 Litter and Graffiti Clean-up _ ____$19,898.00 __$19,898.00     24,29,33
2.B.2 Graffiti Removal Pamphlets _ _______      12, 13, 18
2.C.1 Youth Employment Programs _ $2,500.00 ______$2,500.00     2
3.A.2 Trees _ $31,538.31 $5,000.00 __$3,455.24 __$39,993.55     25,26,28,33
3.A.5 Environmental Profile _ $200.00 $200.00 $176.54 ____$576.54     24
3.A.6 Toxic Materials: Good Neighbor Approach _ __$739.19 ____$739.19     19
3.A.8 Lead, Radon Reduction _ $6,800.00 _$19,635.00 ____$26,435.00     20,24,28,29,30
3.A.9 Storm Sewer Runoff Reduction _ $5,520.12 ______$5,520.12     24,28
3.B.1 Community Garden _ $16,644.69 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 __$17,044.69     20,24,31
3.B.2 Signs, Murals _ $25,208.43 ______$25,208.43     7,24,31
3.B.3 Historic Walking Tour _ $1,500.00 ______$1,500.00      
3.B.5 Creative Storefronts _ $83,894.19 $65,000.00 _____$148,894.19     3,6,8,24
3.C.1 Park Improvements $282,434.42 __$80,000.00 $80,000.00 ___$442,434.42     15,16,20,24,28
3.C.2 Linkage with Riverfront _ $24,999.64 _$53,700.00 _$483.15 __$79,182.79     21,24,25,28,29,31,33
3.C.3 Marcy School / Community Center _ $12,050.00 $19,429.48 $7,811.62 $6,285.81 ___$45,576.91     5,19,24
3.C.4 SE Learning Council and Library Support _ ___$7,965.23 ___$7,965.23     24,30,34
3.D.1 Bike Routes _ __$9,971.84 ____$9,971.84     22,24
3.E.1. Neighborhood Master Plan _ $55,000.00 $15,000.00 _____$70,000.00     21
4.A.1 Home-Based Businesses _ $13,595.32 ______$13,595.32     4, 9, 17
4.A.2 SEIA Study _ $5,000.00 ______$5,000.00      
4.B.1 Dinkytown Viability $25,999.64 _______$25,999.64     11,14,29
4.B.2 Streetscaping _ $322,195.73 ______$322,195.73     1,6,8,14,21,23,24
5 Contingency Fund _ _______      2,4,9,10,15,16,17,18,20,24,29
6.1 Neighborhood Staffing _ $151,252.02 $61,852.00 $80,380.81 $48,190.19 $119,172.00 __$460,847.02 $281,116.68   12,13,18,19,20,22,23,24
PHASE 1r TOTAL$0.36 $21,795.76   $31,665.00 $16,634.77 $29,896.61     $99,992.50   $49,275.53  
TOTAL$558,434.42 $1,814,475.58 $626,272.00 $540,600.00 $391,191.00 $399,247.00 $4,330,220.00 $2,591,327.55 $61,095.23  
% FOR HOUSING61%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan12/07/95The NRP Director approved shifting $250,000 from the 1994-95 Rental Rehab program to the Dinkytown Streetscape project and a corresponding shift was made in 1996 of $250,000 from Streetscape to Rental Rehab.
2Full Action Plan01/08/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan reallocating $2,500 from the Crime and Safety portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $5,000 for this portion of the Contigency Fund) to the Youth Employment Program (YEP). The YEP program is funded through the Neighborhood Staffing portion of the Plan.
3Full Action Plan04/11/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the Plan shifting $190,000 of the 1996 appropriation for Rental Rehab Loans (for a new total of $60,000) to Historic Rehab Financing (adding $160,000 for a new total of $240,000) and Creative Storefronts (adding $30,000 for a new total of $65,000). In 1997, the $15,000 appropriation for Creative Storefronts (for a new total of $0) is shifted to Rental Rehab Loans (for a new total of $15,000). In 1988, $95,000 of that year's appropriation is shifted to the Rental Rehab Program (for a new total of $95,000) from Historic Rehab Financing ($80,000 for a new total of $0) and Creative Storefronts ($15,000 for a new total of $0). In 1999, $80,000 is shifted from Historic Rehab Financing (for a new total of $0) to Rental Rehab Loans (for a new total of $0). All of these changes combined do not result in the overall allocation to these programs over the life of the plan.
4Full Action Plan04/11/96The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan reallocating $3,000 from the Economic Development portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $17,000 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to Home-Based Businesses (for a new total of $8,000).
5Full Action Plan10/26/96The NRP Director approved (retroactive to July 10, 1996) plan modification #5 amending Goal C, Strategy 3 of the Environment chapter of the plan to allow the funds for this strategy ($48,200) to be used to fund projects that build connections between the community and Marcy Open School.
6Full Action Plan07/08/96The NRP Director approved plan modification #6 to the plan reallocating $25,000 from the Dinkytown streetscape project (1995) to the Creative Storefronts (1995) for a Non-Residential Historic Rehabilitation program specifically for the renovation of the Varsity Theatre marquee.
7Full Action Plan02/07/97The NRP Director approved a plan modification amending the language of Signs, Murals. The modification replaced "design competition" with "design process." There is no shift in resources resulting from this modification.
8Full Action Plan06/29/97The NRP Director approved a plan modification to shift $10,000 (in 1994-95) from Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.) to Creative Storefronts (Environment B.5.). These funds will be used for the Blue Ribbon Foods Building through the Non-Residential Historic Rehabilitation Program.
9Full Action Plan06/29/97The NRP Director approved a plan modification to shift $3,750 from the Economic Development portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $13,250 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to Home-Based Businesses for organizational and outreach activity of the Southeast Homebased Business Association.
10Full Action Plan10/30/97The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $10,000 from the Housing portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $70,000 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to the Block Nurse Program (Housing D.1C.).
11Full Action Plan01/22/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to add language to the "Dinkytown Viability" strategy (Economic Development B.1.). The new langauge added allows for promotion and marketing of the Dinkytown business district under this strategy.
12Full Action Plan04/08/98The NRP Director approved a modification to shift funds in the following manner: (1) $3,000 from Graffiti Removal (Crime & Safety B.2.) ($1,000 per year in 1994/95. 1996 and 1997); and (2) $6,800 in 1994/95 from Code Blue Lights (Crime & Safety A.4.). The $9,800 is shifted into Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) ($7,800 in 1994/95; $1,000 in 1996 and $1,000 in 1997).
13Full Action Plan06/17/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift a total of $5,307.34 into Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.). The funds will be moved in the following manner: (1) $3,307.34 in 1994-95 and $1,000 in 1998 from Reduce Crime (Crime and Safety A.1.); and (2) $1,000 in 1998 from Graffiti Removal (Crime and Safety B.2.).
14Full Action Plan09/01/98The NRP Director approved a plan modification to shift $20,000 in 1994-95 from Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.) to Dinkytown Viability (Economic Development B.1.). The modification also adds language to Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.) to allow for the review and implementation of parking solutions in the Dinkytown area. The modification is effective as of July 7, 1998.
15Full Action Plan11/23/98The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $10,000 in 1994-95 from the Environment portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $25,000 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to Park Improvements (Environment C.1.) for additional improvements at Elwell Park.
16Full Action Plan05/10/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $20,000 in 1994-95 from the Environment portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $5,000 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to Park Improvements (Environment C.1.) for improvements to Marcy Park. The approval of the modification was made retroactive to March 2, 1999.
17Full Action Plan08/18/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to shift $1,845.32 in 1994-95 from the Economic Development portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $11,404.68 for that portion of the Contingency Fund) to Home-Based Businesses (Economic Development A.1.). The modification also reallocates $54,000 (($14,960 in 1994/95; $21,760 in 1996; and $5,760 in 1997, 1998 and 1999) from Code Blue Lights (Crime and Safety A.4.) to Motion Detector Lights (Crime and Safety A.3C.). The modification is retroactive to April 6, 1999.
18Full Action Plan04/25/00The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $253,143.62 in the following manner: (1) $170,738.94 in 1996 and $80,000 in 1997) to Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) from Historic Rehab Financing (Housing E.1.); (2)$70,000 in 1995 to Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) from the Housing portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $0 for that portion of the Contingency Fund); (3) $1,000 in 1999 to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) from Graffiti Removal (Crime and Safety B.2.); and (4) $11,404.68 in 1995 to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) from the Economic Development portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $0 for that portion of the Contingency Fund). The plan modification also changes the language in Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to include experior and system upgrade home improvements.
19Full Action Plan04/03/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $256,575 in the following manner: (1) $235,000 ($85,000 in 1998 and $150,000 in 1999) to Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) from Owner-Occupants-Duplexes (Housing G.1.); (2) $3,760.81 ($1,500 in 1995; $1,500 in 1996; and $760.81 in 1997) to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) from Toxic Materials (Environment A.6.); and (3) $17,814.19 ($12,050 in 1997 and $5,764.19 in 1998) to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) from Community Center (Environment C.3.).
20Full Action Plan12/19/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $57,434.42 in the following manner: (1) $55,000 in 1994-95 to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.) from two strategies, (a) $30,000 in 1994-95 from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8.), and (b) $25,000 in 1994-95 from Community Garden (Environment B.1.); and (2) $2,434.42 in 1994-95 to Park Improvements (Environment C.1.) from the Environment portion of the Contingency Fund (for a new total of $2,565.58 for that portion of the Contingency Fund).
21Full Action Plan04/23/02The NRP Director approved a plan modification, based on Policy Board and City Council approval, to reallocate a total of $70,000 in the following manner: (1) $35,000 ($20,000 in 1994-95 and $15,000 in 1996) from Motion Detector Lights (Crime and Safety A.3C.); (2) $20,000 in 1994-95 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.); and (3) $15,000 in 1994-95 from Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.). The funds are reallocated to a new strategy, Neighborhood Master Plan (Environment E.1.).
22Full Action Plan05/01/02 The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $25,000 ($10,000 in 1996 and $15,000 in 1996) to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1) from two strategies: (1) $12,000 ($10,000 in 1996 and $2,000 in 1997) from Motion Detector Lights (Crime and Safety A.3C.); and (2) $13,000 in 1997 from Bike Routes/Traffic Calming (Environment D.1.).
23Full Action Plan04/07/03The NRP Director approved a plan modification to reallocate a total of $25,000 in 1995 to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1) from Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.).
24Full Action Plan10/20/03 The NRP Director approved, based on Policy Board approval, a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $361,685.29 from the following strategies: (1) $46,250.45 in 1999 from Rental Rehabilitation Loans (Housing C.1B.); (2) $3,117 in 1995 from Historic Rehabilitation Financing (Housing E.1.); (3) $18,776.16 in 1998 from Owner-Occupants-Duplexes (Housing G.1.); (4) $13,405.48 ($9,000 in 1995 and $4,405.48 in 1996) from Trim Trees (Crime and Safety A.3B.); (5) $18,029.31 ($960 in 1995; 760 in 1996; $5,760 in 1997; $5,760 in 1998; and $4,789.31 in 1999) from Motion Detector Lights (Crime and Safety A.3C.); (6) $423.46 ($23.46 in 1997; $200 in 1998; and $200 in 1999) from Environmental Profile (Environment A.5.); (7) $63,200 ($13,200 in 1995 and $50,000 in 1999) from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8.); (8) $14,285.69 in 1995 from Community Garden (Environment B.1.); (9) $6,461.55 in 1995 from Signs, Murals (Environment B.2.); (10) $35,468.85 in 1999 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.); (11) $52,028.16 ($25,000 in 1995; $2,028.16 in 1997; and $25,000 in 1999) from Bike Routes/Traffic Calming (Environment D.1.); (12) $82,804.27 in 1995 from Streetscaping (Economic Development B.2.); and (13) $7,434.91 in 1995 from Contingency Fund ($2,500.25 from the Environmental portion of the Contingency Fund for a new balance of $65.33 in that portion of the fund; and $4,934.66 from the Crime and Safety portion of the Contingency Fund for a new balance of $65.34 in that portion of the fund). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $1,700 in 1995 to Renters' Assistance Program (Housing A.3.); (2) $19,000 in 1995 to Student Liaison (Housing A.4.); (3) $43,600 in 1995 to Code Enforcement (Housing B.4.); (4) $72,000 in 1995 to Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.); (5) $14,900 ($2,952.23 in 1995; $903 in 1996; $136.16 in 1998; and $10,908.61 in 1999) to Block Nurse Program (Housing D.1C.); (6) $35,700 in 1999 to Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.); (7) $25,100 in 1999 to Litter and Grafitti Clean-up (Crime and Safety B.1.); (8) $6,000 in 1995 to Storm Sewer Runoff Reduction (Environment A.9.); (9) $13,894.19 in 1995 to Creative Storefronts (Environment B.5.); (10) $2,200 in 1998 to Park Improvements (Environment C.1.); (11) $15191.10 ($7,379.48 in 1996 and $7,811.62 in 1997) to Community Center (Environment C.3.); (12) $22,400 in 1998 to Southeast Learning Council and Library Support (Environment C.4.); and (13) $90,000 in 1999 to Neighborhood Staffing (Neighborhood Staffing 1.). The plan modification also changes the wording of fourteen strategies to broaden the eligible uses of NRP funds. Please see the plan modification documentation for the specific language changes. The fourteen revised strategies are: (1) Renters' Assistance Program (Housing A.3.); (2) Student Liaison (Housing A.4.); (3) Code Enforcement (Housing B.4.); (4) Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.); (5) Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.); (6) Litter and Grafitti Clean-up (Crime and Safety B.1.); (7) Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc.(Environment A.8.); (8) Storm Sewer Runoff Reduction (Environment A.9.); (9) Community Garden (Environment B.1.); (10) Park Improvements (Environment C.1.); (11) Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.); (12) Community Center (Environment C.3.); (13) Southeast Learning Council and Library Support (Environment C.4.); and (14) Bike Routes/Traffic Calming (Environment D.1.).
25Full Action Plan04/13/04 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $5,048 in 1999 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.) to the following strategies: (1) $2,000 in 1999 to Marketing of Neighborhood (Housing B.1.); and (2) $3,048 in 1999 to Trees (Environment A.2.).
26Full Action Plan05/23/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $12,000 in 1995 from Code Enforcement (Housing B.4.) to Trees (Environment A.2.). The modification also revises the wording of Trees (Environment A.2.) to include Dutch elm disease prevention treatment.
27Full Action Plan07/20/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to revise the wording of Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.) to other crime prevention activities.
28Full Action Plan04/16/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $27,141.57 ($10,941.57 in 1995; $4,800 in 1997; $2,200 in 1998; and $9,200 in 1999) to Phase II strategy, Staff Coordinator (Phase II Plan, Administration) from the following strategies: (1) $10,461.69 in 1995 from Trees (Environment A.2.); (2) $4,800 in 1997 from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8.); (3) $479.88 in 1995 from Storm Sewer Runoff Reduction (Environment A.9.); (4) $2,200 in 1998 from Park Improvements (Environment C.1.); and (5) $9,200 in 1999 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #28 and Phase II Plan Modification #1.)
29Full Action Plan02/11/08The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate Phase I funds totalling of $43,266.55 ($10,854.55 in 1994-95; $22,565 in 1997; and $9,847 in 1999) to Phase II strategy, Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Plan, Housing 1.A.1.) from the following Phase I strategies: (1) $1,700 in 1994-95 from Renters' Assistance Program (Housing A.3.); (2) $2,600 in 1994-95 from Student Liaison (Housing A.4.); (3) $1,685 in 1994-95 from Code Enforcement (Housing B.4.); (4) $3,645.52 in 1994-95 from Historic Rehab Financing (Housing E.1.); (5) $1,093 in 1994-95 from Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.); (6) $5,047 in 1999 from Litter and Graffiti Clean-up (Crime and Safety B.1.); (7) $22,565 in 1997 from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8.); (8) $4,800 in 1999 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.); (9) $0.36 in 1994-95 from Dinkytown Viability (Economic Development B.1.); and (10) $130.67 in 1994-95 from Contingency Fund (Contingency Fund). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #29 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
30Full Action Plan02/18/10The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate Phase I funds totalling of $17,200 to Phase II strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $3,000 in 1997 from Reduce Lead, Radon, Etc. (Environment A.8); and (2) $14,200 in 1998 from SE Learning Council/Library Support (Environment C.4.). The funds are reallocated to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $14,200 in 1998 to Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Plan, Housing 1.A.1.); and (2) $3,000 in 1997 to Phase II strategy, Staff Coordinator (Phase II Plan, Administration). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #30 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)
31Full Action Plan12/07/12The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $169.98 in 1995 to Signs, Murals (Environment B.2.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $169.62 in 1995 from Community Garden (Environment B.1.); and (2) $0.36 in 1995 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.).
32Full Action Plan04/07/14The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,849.61 in 1999 from Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.) to Phase II strategy, Professional Planning and Marketing (Phase II Activities, Housing 1.C.8.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #32 and Phase II Plan Modification #5.)
33Full Action Plan03/24/15The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $1,300 in 1997 from Linkage with Riverfront (Environment C.2.) to Phase II strategy, Dutch Elm Disease Replacement (Phase II Activities, Economic and Public Realm 1.B.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #33 and Phase II Plan Modification #7.) The modification also reallocates $407.24 in 1999 to Trees (Environment A.2.) from the following strategies: (1) $252.24 in 1999 from Cops on Bikes (Crime and Safety A.2.); and (2) $155.00 in 1999 from Litter and Grafitti Clean-up (Crime and Safety B.1.).
34Full Action Plan02/15/17The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $234.77 in 1998 from SE Learning Council/Library Support (Environment C.4.) to Phase II strategy, Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Plan, Housing 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #34 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.)
35Full Action Plan09/05/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $9,540 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $2,000 in Program Income to 5th Street Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Enhancements (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.1.); (2) $4,540 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); and (3) $3,000 in Program Income to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #35 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
36Full Action Plan10/26/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $29,350 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $31,350 in Program Income to Elwell Park Signage/Kiosk (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.3.); (2) $3,000 in Program Income to Creative Placemaking Micro-granting Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.1.); and (3) $5,000 in Program Income to Block Club Leader Program (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 4.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #36 and Phase III Plan Modification #5.)
37Full Action Plan06/26/19The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $10,000 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $5,000 in Program Income to Road Map for the Future of Greater Dinkytown (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 3.2.); (2) $3,000 in Program Income to Dinkytown Farmers Market Expansion (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 5.1.); and (3) $2,000 in Program Income to Sheridan Story Weekend Food Project (Phase III Activities, Neighborhood Priorities 5.2.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #37 and Phase III Plan Modification #6.)
38Full Action Plan07/08/20The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $385.53 in Program Income from Phase I Home Improvement Program (Housing C.2.) and $6,614.47 in Program Income from Phase II Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Housing 1.A.1.). to the following Phase III priorities: (1) $4,000 to Emerald Ash Borer (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.2) and (2) $3,000.00 to COVID-19 Response (Neighborhood Priorities 2.1.14). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #38, Phase II Plan Modification #13, and Phase III Plan Modification #9.)
39Full Action Plan11/17/22The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $234.77 in 1999 from Phase II Strategy, Owner-occupied Housing Improvements (Phase II Activities, Housing 1.A.1.) to Phase II strategy, Staff Coordinator (Phase II Activities, Administration). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #39 and Phase II Plan Modification #17.)

Marcy Holmes Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 03/13/2025 at 2:19 AM